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Single Dog Entry: CDHA AKC LICENSED HERDING TESTS AND TRIAL September 26 - 28, 2024

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Thursday AM AKC D Course Trial, September 26, 2024, #2024222705, Laura de la Cruz
Friday AKC A, B, and C Course Trial, September 27, 2024 #2024222704 - Laura de la Cruz, Karen C Trimble
Friday AKC HIC/HT/PT Tests, September 27, 2024 #2024222704, Laura de la Cruz
Saturday Sept 28, 2024 AKC A, B, & C course trial. # 2024222706 - Laura de la Cruz, Karen C Trimble
Saturday AKC HIC/HT/PT/Tests, Sept 28, 2024 #2024222706 Karen C Trimble
Saturday Farm Dog Certification (Both events, same day), Sept 30, 2023. #202322270, and #2023222706, * note: you can entry both tests.
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Single Dog Entry: CDHA AKC LICENSED HERDING TESTS AND TRIAL September 26 - 28, 2024
Product Details
Location: Rancho Terra Norte', Wellington, CO

Single Dog Entry – Add each dog to cart separately. Fill out form on the right, click "add to bag", for additional dog, click "continue shopping", select item, modify form for new dog and click "add More". For a second run same dog, add same dog to cart again with any modifications.

A/B Sheep/Goat & Duck Trial Classes $50, C/D Sheep/Goat Trial Classes $60. Tests/FD Classes $45 each.

AKC Trial entries limited to a combination of 50 runs per day. C and D courses limited to 12 runs/day. A & B Courses limited to 30 runs/day. HIC/HT/PT
Test runs limited to a combination of 20 per day. Farm Dog Certification Tests limited to 25 entries per event number. Entries close when numerical limit is reached, or on September 11, 2024 after which time entries cannot be accepted, canceled or substituted (except Farm Dog and Herding Instinct Tests which entries can be accepted day of event as space/livestock and time allow). Drawing for run order: 7:00 PM. September 13, 2024 at the home of the secretary. A waiting list of 10 alternates will be kept.

Please Note! There will be a 4% handling fee added to your on-line order.

Please be prepared to be at the trial BEFORE your start time. Prepaying through this website entitles you to a spot for the day of trial.

Please Read


In consideration for participation in an event sanctioned by the American Herding Breed Association (AHBA) and/or The American Kennel Club and held at Rancho Terra Norte' in Wellington, CO. I (we) agree to assume all responsibility for any claim, loss or damage, of whatever kind or nature, whether to person or property, which may be caused at or near this event, either directly or indirectly, by me (us) or the dog(s) I (we) have entered in or brought to this event. I (we) further agree that I (we) will hold the AHBA or AKC, its officers, directors, agents and members, Continental Divide Herding Association, its officers, agents and members, and their employees/help working this event, harmless and defend them from any and all liability for any injury, claim, damage or loss, of whatever kind or nature, whether to person or property, caused at or near this event. I (we) agree to indemnify the AHBA, its officers, directors, agents or members of Continental Divide Herding Association , and associated persons, for any loss, cost or expenses, including attorney fees and costs, to which the AHBA or AKC, its officers, directors, agents or members, the Continental Divide Herding Association , its officers, agents and members, and associated persons might be subject as a result of any claim, suit, loss or damage caused in any way by any act or negligence on my (our) part or on the part of any dog(s) I (we) have entered in or brought to this event. I (we) acknowledge that while the AHBA may provide sanctioning for this event with regard to the issuing of titles, it, the Continental Divide Herding Association, its officers, agents and members and associated persons do not have and do not exercise control over the conduct of those present. I (we) certify and represent that the dog(s) I (we) have entered in or brought to this event is/are not a hazard to other dogs, other animals, or to people.

I (we) will pay for any livestock injuries or replacement value in the event of death of any livestock by my (our) dog(s). In case of any injury to any stock caused by the dog(s) entered or said dog(s) actions thereof, I (we) will assume total responsibility for any damage. I (we) agree to pay the full market value, as set forth and noted in this event's premium, of the injured animal in case of serious injury, or the veterinarian bill or its equivalent if the injury is slight.

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